Saturday, September 13, 2014

Giving Photos

Sometimes in this age of digital photos and constantly sharing photos with one another via things like Instagram, Snapchat, and WhatsApp, we forget how beautifully simple a printed photo can be. Pictures are no longer worth a thousand words, just the number of MB's it will take to upload it to Facebook. Where we live, pictures are not a regularly displayed on people's walls, or really anywhere, except the photos of deities everywhere. Only sometimes, if we are lucky, our friends will pull out the albums they have tucked away from a wedding or some other important life event. These are mostly filled with posed straight faced photos (imagine those 1900's family photos, only in color).
(One of the most interesting things in our house for our friends is the 15-20 photos we have stuck to our refrigerator!)
Recently, I printed out a few photos for different friends that I had taken over the last few weeks and gave them to some of them. I was blown away by the responses. They loved them and were so eager to show them to anyone around.
It reminded me of what a beautiful thing it is that we are "made in the image of God". And how beautiful it is to be able to remind one another of the beauty of that image. Hopefully we don't stop there, but turn and praise the original one, instead of just the copies.
Just thought I would share some of those photos with you guys. Enjoy.

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