Sunday, October 23, 2011

Is this real life?

What is service? What is the point of “missions”? Why do we serve the poor and feed the hungry? What makes you a “missionary”? Sometimes I find myself serving people just for the sake of doing it because God would be pleased or because it was what I was taught Jesus did. And we should do what Jesus did. But I knew deep down that there was another level to this service that followers of Jesus are called to. For what purpose do we serve people? Just for the sake of helping people? What good does that do in the end? They are happy now, but what about when something bad happens? Or a loved one dies? Or when they die? What’s next? My hope is in our future life with Christ. Can I paint you a picture?

a place where the hurting people of this world no longer hurt. A place where the blind can see again. A place where broken families are renewed. A place where there are no fatherless sons. A place where the depressed have eternal joy. A place where there is always enough to eat. A place where floods, earthquakes, and genocides don’t take thousands of people’s lives. A place where the ruler is good and kind and fair. A place where the people in this land can trust their ruler and lord, knowing that he is looking after their best interest and cares for them. A place where all types of people are working for one purpose, the praise and worship of their King, the creator of the universe.

This place is the hope I have for the future because of my trust in Jesus as this ruler. The amazing thing is that we can start living that life with Christ now and making this amazing kingdom happen now. I choose to live now with God’s kingdom in mind, and I truly believe that if people get the taste of the kingdom of God and the true life He wants us to inherit, they will want to be a part of this kingdom and to make Jesus Lord of their lives right now. So I challenge you to think about: What is your background? What are you good at? What drives you? Now think about how God has probably worked all of that in your life for the good of His kingdom and for you to use all those things to serve Him. There is a deeper level of service that the Lord really desires from us. God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him and when we use our talents and blessings to make His kingdom come to our broken world now. What could you do to make God’s kingdom come now?