Monday, February 13, 2012

Roadtrippin' Adventures

So Grayson and I have been traveling around Mississippi and Arkansas for the last several weeks. We love adventures! Hope y’all enjoy some of these pictures of our adventure.

We started out in Amory, MS (where Grayson was a youth minister for several years). Visiting with friends, baking half-baked cupcakes with some youth girls, playing some much-missed basketball with some of the youth guys, and seeing one of our old dogs made our trip there very enjoyable and encouraging.
Then we were on the road to Huntsville, AL to visit some great friends from college, see some relatives, and go see Lecrae and others at the Rock and Worship Roadshow.

We hit some pretty hard bumps in the road and couldn’t go to the concert. :(  During this time, the Lord taught us a lot about how our joys are only found in Him and about how the Lord is a redeeming God and that He wants to redeem all situations. Isn’t it so good to have a faithful and good God who finds joy in making all things new? Do any of you ever find yourselves putting your hope and faith in things or events or people to make life a little better or to make you feel better about terrible things that happen? I know that I had been thinking this way, because the Lord broke us that day. I know He did it so that He could teach us that our hope can only be found in Him and that He longs to be our Redeemer. #thecostofhumilityishigh

            Our next stop was Batesville, AR!

        Grayson grew up in Batesville until he was a junior in high school when his family moved to Hattiesburg.  It was super fun staying with his childhood babysitter and her adorable son!  We got an awesome chance to hang out with the youth and roast some marshmallows at a bonfire on a beautiful farm.

(ASIDE: While we were on the road, McDonald’s and Dairy Queen were some of our best WiFi buddies. --#coffeehousesareoverrated--While we were at one of the McDonald’s, we had the PRIVILEGE of meeting the famous Batesville Walmart Bird Lady--as she so dubbed herself haha. She introduced herself to us in McDonald’s and insisted that we take a picture and post it to Facebook. So Walmart Bird Lady, here’s your shout out!)

We LOVE adventures and road trips, but as many of you know, trips can really run you weary. We were so blessed with the opportunity to stay in a cabin for a few nights in Mountain View, Arkansas. We took many mountain dirt roads to stay in a beautiful cabin, walk mountain trails, and play in a creek. What a relaxing time with the Lord we had! The Lord really encouraged us and spoke to us while we stayed there. Thank you to the Rays and the Mays!

After staying there for a few days, we visited with Granny Freddie and had a great time visiting with some relatives in Mountain View. Anyone like cows? I got to feed cattle for the first time! 200 head of cattle that is. (Granted, Grayson did most of the scary parts) Doing some good manual labor and serving Granny was really enjoyable. Staying at Granny’s meant homemade breakfast every morning, fried pies, roasted pecans, and homemade pizza! Hungry anyone?

Now we are back in Madison, MS and so glad to be somewhere for longer than 5 days! We’re excited to see what the Lord has in store for us while we are here for a little while!
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